10 In-Demand Skills for Freelancers

With the internet continuously evolving, online freelancing has become a lucrative way to earn money online. In addition, the restrictions brought about by the pandemic have changed the working landscape. Many of us have seen the potential to earn money online from the comforts of our homes. 

However, with so many freelancers out there, one has to be creative to stand out. It could be challenging to find high-paying gigs but it’s worth trying. The key is to learn and enhance the on-demand skills that clients are looking for. 

Explore the 10 skills that are in high demand among freelancers and can help you to earn money online.

Photo by Judit Peter

10 In-Demand Skills for Freelancers to Earn Money Online

Content Writing

According to Tech Radar, there are about 1.86 billion websites online as of June 2021. This means that every day about 547, 200. In this line, these websites need content that adds value to their audience. This is the reason why content writers are always in demand. 

High-quality content is needed to drive traffic to their businesses’ websites, blogs, social media channels, and other online platforms. If you are a freelance content/blog writer, you can earn money by:

  • Writing articles, news, and emails
  • Blog posts
  • Whitepapers
  • Product reviews and feedback
  • Copywriting and captioning on social media posts

You can earn more if you have knowledge and skills in other niches such as SEO writing or social media management. 

How much can you earn:

Your earnings will depend on several factors such as your location, working hours (full-time or part-time), your skills and experience, years in the industry, and more.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a content writer in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $46,650 per year

Additional Pay: $2,909 per year

Total Pay: $49, 560 per year

2. Graphic Designing

Websites need to be visually appealing to attract their audience’s interests. Social media also needs the artistic talents of graphic designers to keep its audience engaged. Freelance designers are hired to create social media content, logos, pitch decks, banners, and other visual content. They could cater to both individuals and businesses. 

If you want to win big gigs make sure that you build a strong online portfolio. Graphic designers which can readily showcase their talents through delivered output get hired faster. To get some leverage, you need to learn some design software and take a design course. 

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a graphic designer in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $44,747 per year

Additional Pay: $2,301 per year

Total Pay: $47, 049 per year

3. Web Development

Photo by Julia M Cameron

Statistics, there is a projected 30.3% employment growth for web developers from 2021-2031. If you want to earn money online, learn web development. Get yourself skilled with programming language languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as experience with content management systems like WordPress.

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for web developers in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $83,320 per year

Additional Pay: $5,671 per year

Total Pay: $88, 991 per year

4. Social Media Management

Photo by Lisa Fotios

Brand owners and marketers understand that these days it’s not enough to have a website or online shop. There need to be active social media accounts for your business to reach a wider scope of audience. Social media management is booming as businesses and individuals seek to grow their online presence. 

Freelance social media managers can create and execute social media strategies for their clients, as well as manage their social media accounts. There are plenty of tools such as Canva or Notion which could help you scale your business and deliver quality output. 

If you want to be a successful social media manager, get yourself up to date with the latest social media trends. Enhance yourself with skills such as content creation, planning, brand management, and copywriting.

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for social media managers in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $83,320 per year

Additional Pay: $5,671 per year

Total Pay: $88, 991 per year

5. Virtual Assistance

Since the pandemic started, most of us have been doing work from our homes. Business owners saw the advantage of getting virtual assistants in helping them with their daily operations. Virtual assistance offers valuable skills that help scale up a business, especially those that are starting. 

If you want to be a sought-after virtual assistant you need to develop skills in the:

  • Project management 
  • Scheduling and time management 
  • Customer service 
  • Content creations 

The more skills you can offer, the higher you can ask for your service fee. If you can offer more than administrative support and have excellent communication and organization skills, you are up for success. 

Learn to manage software such as Asana, Teamup, Teams, and Microsoft Office

How much can you earn:

According to Indeed, the average salary for a virtual assistant in the United States is: 

Average Pay: $75,616 per year

Low Pay: $44,955 per year

High Pay: $127, 89 per year

6. Video Editing

Youtube Shorts, Facebook, Instagram Reels, and Tiktok are becoming more popular these days. With the rise of video content, video editing has become a valuable skill for freelancers. Video editors are also sought to edit events such as weddings, birthdays, prenups, and other occasions. There are also freelance video editors who thrive in editing commercial clips on television and movies.  

To be successful in this field, it’s important to know video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.

How much can you earn:

According to Indeed, the average salary for video editors in the United States is: 

Average Pay: $49,183 per year

Low Pay: $27,057 per year

High Pay: $89,402 per year

7. Translation

Photo by Julia M Cameron

Communication is integral in running any business. Thus, translators are hired to make sure that messages are relayed properly. Freelance translators in another way to earn money online without having to travel to another country. With just your laptop and the internet, you can offer your service in translating documents, websites, and other types of content from one language to another. To keep yourself skilled, take online classes or invest in language/ translation software. 

How much can you earn:

According to Indeed, the average salary for translators in the United States is: 

Average Pay: $56, 883 per year

Low Pay: $29,546 per year

High Pay: $109, 516 per year

8. Photography

There are plenty of ways to earn money online as a photographer. Businesses and individuals are always in need of high-quality photos for their websites, social media channels, and other marketing materials. In addition, you can offer your skills to mentor or coach people online. You could also start a photography ebook and sell it on sites such as Amazon. 

To be successful in this field, it’s important to know photography techniques, as well as experience with editing software like Adobe Photoshop.

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for photographers in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $59, 757 per year

Additional Pay: $5,671 per year

Total Pay: $65, 429 per year

9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is not enough to create a website, people need to find your business. This is where search engine optimization comes in. Experts in this field help businesses that want to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs). 
Freelance SEO specialists can help with keyword focus and create optimized content with specific keywords. SEO is always evolving, to be successful it’s important to know about SEO best practices and trends. Additionally, gain valuable experience with keyword research and content creation.

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for SEO experts in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $65,661 per year

Additional Pay: $12,603 per year

Total Pay: $78, 265 per year

10. Online Teaching

online teaching
Photo by Julia M Cameron

If you want to earn money online with your passion to share knowledge, online teaching is for you. This is becoming an important freelance work given the restriction in movement and hybrid set-up for most schools. Create an account on Udemy or Coursera and offer teaching courses. You can also offer one-on-one coaching sessions. 

To be successful in this field, it’s important to have expertise in a particular subject, as well as the ability to create engaging course content.

How much can you earn:

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for online teachers in the United States is: 

Base Pay: $45,262 per year

Additional Pay: $2,736 per year

Total Pay: $47, 999 per year

Tips for Optimizing Your Freelancing Business

  • Create a strong portfolio that highlights your skills and experience
  • Leverage social media and online marketplaces to promote your services
  • Decide on a niche that sets you apart from other freelancers
  • Read the news and Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in your field
  • Be consistent in providing excellent customer service to build a loyal client base
  • Determine your key performance indicator and timeline for success 
  • Track your progress to stay motivated and focused on your business

Freelancing is becoming a popular means to earn money online. Before embarking into this industry, make sure that you have some high-quality skills to offer in this virtually crowded market. There are other freelancing jobs aside from the ones mentioned above. Whichever skill you possess, make sure that you love what you do and that you can spend hours doing this kind of work. 

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