Have you ever been in financial difficulty and find yourself in need of an immediate way to earn money fast? A small but a much-needed addition in your cashflow can make a big difference. Read through our article and learn more!
Here, we will teach you 6 ways how to earn money fast, legally and conveniently.
Sell pre-owned yet, quality items

Do you have a furniture that you’ve been meaning to replace for a long time? Why not try to sell it in the hopes to get that quick buck! If you collections you want to let go, selling it through a marketplace is your way to earn money fast. But before you sell anything, make sure that you are the owner of it! We don’t want you to get in trouble.
There are multitudes of sites that allow you to sell your pre-owned items. Who doesn’t know about Craigslist, Ebay or even Facebook Marketplace? Depending on the item you are going to sell, you can earn so much making for that extra cash flow.
Also, there are tech companies that allow you to trade your gadgets for cash! You can trade your phones, tablets, laptop, game consoles, and other accessories. Buyback services will purchase your used and old gadgets for a decent money. Right now, there are also electronic buyback services. Trademore, Decluttr, and ItsWorthMore are companies that accept a variety of gadgets and models to name a few.
Be a Research Participant
If you have time to spare, perhaps you can participate in market research or surveys! All you just need to do is to join a focus group or answer an online survey. No hassle, no investment and requires you so little. You just need to give your opinion, experience, or comments on surveys or focus groups. And viola, you are rewarded with either cash or gift certificates.
Right now, there are integrations made in the field of marketing and research. You need not to be in front of a group of people or those marketing dudes to test and give your opinion about their product. Now, you can give your thoughts and opinions at the tip of your phone! Yes, and it normally just takes a couple of minutes to complete one.

Uploading content for money
In our digital age, content is king. Uploading of pictures and videos in your stockpile, even up to your study notes and booklet, can make you that extra money. In fact, it may be one of the most convenient ways to earn money fast.
Companies such as Crestock, Etsy, Shutterstock, and Adobestock allows you to upload stock photos and videos on their platform in exchange for a cash or premium. There is a huge market base that needs access or rights to qualify photos and videos for their own commercial use. It ranges from bloggers, small to medium sized website business owners and up to full grown marketing and media companies.
Another form of upload for content mediums are for your study guides and notes. Do you have notes lying around? As a student, we all have our own fair share of books and notebooks that we might find useful for others taking the same course. Sell study notes and guides for a decent amount of cash through platforms such as StudySoup and Course Hero.
Additionally, uploading your digital content such as blogpost or starting a Youtube channel for steady stream of cash flow. What you simply need is a creative mind to stand out from millions of content creators, and a niche that would give you an edge to garner those hard-earned subscribers.
Freelance Driver
Another way on how to earn money fast is with your driving skill! Almost all, if not most adults know how to drive. So why not make use of it to earn that extra dough. Transportation services such as Lyft and Uber have been available for quite some time already. It allows you to take riders from destination to destination and get paid for doing so. Another form of this freelance gig is food delivery services such as Door dash. It allows you to pick-up the order from customers in the restaurant. Deliver it at the comfort of their homes for a certain fee. You can also get tips by doing so.

Donate blood or semen
As straightforward as it is, you can earn money by donating blood. Here, you can make around $20 to $50 depending on your blood type’s rarity. A gig that won’t require you so much. To Make it better, an individual is recommended to donate blood from time to time for a better blood circulation. According to the American Red Cross, a healthy donor may donate whole red blood cells every 56 days (eight weeks) or power red every 112 days (16 weeks). So why not make cash out of it. Became healthier while getting that quick back.
Donate your semen to a sperm bank. Get paid for each screening process that you will qualify with. But don’t worry, a sperm donation can be tagged as anonymous to the recipient.

Be a Task Master
As a child growing up, we all hate chores. But can you imagine that we can monetise doing chores now? There are platforms that allow you to list a certain chore in your local community that pays you for the service done. There are platforms such as TaskRabbit that helps users find freelancers willing to engage in tasks such as household cleaning, gardening and others.
Like a gunslinger in the Wild Wild West, you can now earn your bounty by finishing tasks and collecting your rewards and loot.